Donate to Build Power for Justice & Democracy
At LA Forward, we're building a movement to hold our local government accountable for advancing justice. The best way to ensure this movement remains independent and people-powered is if it's led and funded by people like you. Thanks for your support!
Want to use a check?
It can be mailed to us at LA Forward, P.O. Box 25386, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Please make it out to LA Forward.
Prefer to give via ActBlue?
You can do that at
Donations by wire transfer, stock transfer, or via DAF/foundations.
We want to make it easy for you to support local organizing using whatever donation method makes the most sense for you. Contact us for information on how to donate via wire transfer, make a gift of appreciated stock, or make a grant through a donor-advised fund (DAF) or foundation.
Doing estate planning?
You can leave a portion of your estate to LA Forward (EIN 87-2742396). You can also name us in your obituary for memorial gifts! Contributions are not tax-deductible.
What We Accomplished in 2023
* Progressive Campaign Leadership Academy: Our Progressive Campaign Leadership Academy is recruiting and training a diverse cohort of LA County residents to be candidates and campaign staffers in 2024 and beyond.
* Judicial Leadership Academy: Our Judicial Leadership Academy, a collaboration with La Defensa, equips a cohort of progressive attorneys and community members with the skills they need to run for and win seats as LA County Superior Court judges. These leaders are public defenders, civil rights attorneys, and community advocates who are committed to transforming the criminal justice system.
*District-by-District LA City organizing: In almost every LA City Council District, we organized dozens of community convenings to grow a progressive base and build political power that puts the issues that matter most to our members at the forefront. Thanks to these efforts, we formed an Unarmed Crisis Response Working Group, which champions unarmed crisis response that will shift resources and responsibilities away from police, and expand compassionate, people-centered responses for our most vulnerable residents.
* Housing Justice Action Team: This year, we launched our Housing Justice Action Team, a six-month cohort for dedicated LA residents eager to sharpen their organizing skills, deepen their housing policy knowledge, and take collective action.
* Advocacy Actions: We’re empowering our communities with ways to take action on the issues they care about. Thousands of you are using our online tools press for policy change – fighting for affordable housing at Venice Dell, telling the LA City Council to expand unarmed crisis response, creating fair LA City Council districts and more.
Our Progressive Campaign Leadership Academy - December 2023
David Levitus, Executive Director, LA Forward - Presented at Social Venture Partners Los Angeles (SVPLA) Virtual Fast Pitch Showcase - August 2020
What Makes LA Forward Special - Presented at Social Venture Partners Los Angeles (SVPLA) Virtual Fast Pitch Showcase - August 2020
LA Forward Structure and Status
The LA Forward family of organizations is devoted to fighting for a Los Angeles County that is fair and flourishing for everyone.
LA Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting progressive policy, holding elected officials accountable for advancing justice, and building coalitions across Los Angeles. This designation allows LA Forward to advocate for legislation and influence the decisions of our elected leaders. It also means that contributions to LA Forward Action are NOT tax deductible. EIN 87-2742396
The LA Forward Institute (LAFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit which makes local government accessible and advances political accountability through civic education, leadership development, and strategic research. Contributions to LA Forward Institute are TAX DEDUCTIBLE within IRS guidelines.