LA Power Hour Comedy Show on Sat, 3/1 + Spring Fundraiser on 5/3!

It’s been a challenging six weeks, to say the least. Here’s a bit of levity. We're cohosting our very first comedy show on Saturday, March 1st!  Get your tickets here, and find more details below. And make sure you save the date for LA Forward's second annual Garden Party Fundraiser, Spring Into Action, on Saturday, May 3, 3-6pm. The proceeds from the comedy show and a portion of proceeds from the spring fundraiser will go to fire relief and recovery efforts. Last but not least, if you're a LA Podast listener, please take our take our brief survey survey.


LA Power Hour: The Show Where We Fix All of LA's Problems - March 1

Join us at the Elysian Theater on March 1st at 7:30pm for a night of comedy, politics, and real talk about the future of LA.

For the last few months, people in LA have been asking difficult questions like: "Is this a city?" "Does it have a government?" "What is the firetruck situation -- does the city have them or are we supposed to have our own?" Can you put a fire hose on a normal car?" With LA Power Hour, former public employee Hayes Davenport looks into these questions and more, bringing together LA’s leaders and entertainers to either fix the city or start a new one. 

Tickets are going fast — grab yours now!


Save the Date: Spring into Action Fundraiser - May 3, 3-6pm

Save the date for an afternoon of food, drinks, and time to connect with members of the LA Forward community and progressive leaders from across Los Angeles. The money raised at Spring Into Action is crucial to growing our impact, as we build people people and political muscle needed to pass policies that will make LA County a fair, flourishing for everyone. Look out for another email soon announcing this year's honorees and a link to purchase tickets and sponsorships.


We want your feedback on LA Podcast...

We’re excited to have re-launched LA Podcast under the umbrella of LA Forward and it's important for us to get feedback from listeners to see what we’re doing well and how we can improve and grow. If you're a LA Podcast listener, we'd be grateful for you to fill out this survey by Sunday, March 2.

ICYMI: We're back to releasing episodes every Monday morning and we'd love for you to give it a listenAlissa Walker hosts weekly and is joined by a rotating cast of co-hosts, including Hayes Davenport, Scott Frazier, and Rachel Reyes along with new voices, including former Councilmember Mike Bonin, Godfrey Plata, and occasionally me. Listen on Apple Podcasts, the LA Pod website, or whenever you get your podcasts.


If you have any questions about the upcoming special events covered in this email, please reach out to our Communications and Development Manager, Sea Sloat, at

In solidarity, 

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

How to Stay Grounded and Fight Back During Trump 2.0 (and much more!)

It’s easy to get sucked into the anxiety caused by each Trump executive order. But the administration wins when we get distracted and lose sight of our own agenda. Pushing for better policy right here in Los Angeles is one way to stay grounded, push back, and make our own region into thriving and just place for everyone to live. And there there's so much we can do to directly resist the new Administration. Our goal is to make it possible for you to keep it together and stay engaged in the fight, instead of giving into resignation or panic.

We hope to see you at one of our upcoming regional gatherings where we’re organizing to hold our elected leaders accountable for representing us. We also invite you to attend our Monthly Meeting on February 11, where we’ll talk about how we can stay focused, grounded, and energized in the face of four more years of this administration. Joining our people-powered working groups is another way you can be part of the effort:

  • On Monday, we'll begin organizing to push for an equitable Capital Improvement Plan for LA City.

  • Plug in as we relaunch the Climate Working Group on Tuesday.

  • The Housing Justice Working Group is holding a convening on Feb 22 to plan for the year ahead.

  • And as always, our Unarmed Crisis Response Working Group meets weekly on Mondays. And our Transportation Justice Working Group meets on Tuesday.

Want to hear from a panel of electeds about how they’re defending against Trump and more about what we can do? Join us on February 20th along with East Valley Indivisibles


February Monthly Meeting: Keep Calm and Fight Trumpism  - Feb 11

In this monthly meeting, we’ll discuss how to navigate the constant stream of bad news about the Trump administration’s infuriating actions. We’ll share strategies to avoid feeling overwhelmed, stuck in rage, hopeless and how to turn those feelings into actions that help you stay engaged for the long haul. We’ll also get a report-back on the regional convenings, hear major themes that came up across regions, and learn what next steps we’re taking to meet with elected officials.


Capital Improvement Plan Organizing Strategy Meeting - Feb 3

Building on last Thursday's teach-in on Mayor Bass's directive toward a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), we're gathering community members who want to move from "learning" to "doing" in making the Capital Improvement Plan process one that could lead to a more equitable and just LA City for all Angelenos. Did you miss the call on Thursday? Watch the recording to catch up here. On Monday, we'll be planning strategic meetings with various public officials, to see what they know and believe about the CIP, and to help us determine where our advocacy could be most valuable in the months to come. Join us at the beginning of our organizing journey.


Climate Working Group - Feb 4

Connect with other like-minded community members who want to learn about and advocate for local climate justice policies in 2025 and beyond. At this first meeting, we'll follow-up on our work to advocate for a just Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) for LA City; preview opportunities for public voice in LADWP's most recent LA100 plan; and strategize in support of electrification rules at the Air Quality Management District. No idea what these things mean? We'll break it down!


Forum with Elected Officials: Protecting Against the Trump Administration - Feb 20

LA Forward is pleased to be cosponsoring an event with East Valley Indivisibles — a forum with elected officials who represent the Valley at different levels of government. This is a chance to find out what our electeds are doing to protect us under the new administration and to learn what we as activists and citizens can do to help protect the most vulnerable. Speakers include State Senator Caroline Menjivar, Assemblymember Nick Schultz, and Councilmember Nithya Raman. Please join us.


Regional Gatherings

Join us at a gathering near you as we build people power and make plans to meet with our elected officials!

  • Westside - Saturday, 2/1, 1-3pm. 

  • San Fernando Valley -  Sunday, 2/2, 2:30-4:30pm. 

  • Long Beach/South Bay - Wednesday, 2/5, 6-8pm. 

  • Northeast LA -  Thursday, 2/6, 6-8pm. 

  • San Gabriel Valley - Wednesday, 2/12, 6-8pm. 

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to LA Forward Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

In solidarity,
LA Forward

Action is the antidote to despair

There is a lot happening in the world right now. Trump has already signed dozens of truly heinous executive orders and Angelenos are still reeling from the fires. It’s easy to feel hopeless and tired. But as Joan Baez said, action is the antidote to despair. And community organizing -- connecting with people who live near us and share common values to make systemic change -- is what our organization is grateful to be offering in this moment.

More than ever, we need to build relationships with our neighbors and hold our elected officials accountable for representing us. We’re continuing our organizing with six more regional gatherings in the next two weeks. We also have an opportunity to canvass in Sawtelle this Saturday to check in on our neighbors after the fires. And, we invite you to learn about the City of LA’s first-ever Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) with us on January 30th.


Regional Gatherings: Let's Organize

We are building on conversations we began in December around 2025 organizing priorities, as well as new implications of the fires. Whether you came to our last gathering, or this is the first time joining us at a regional convening, we welcome you. Join us at the regional gathering most convenient for you:

  • Central LA -  Monday, 1/27, 6-8pm.

  • Westside - Saturday, 2/1, 1-3pm.

  • San Fernando Valley -  Sunday, 2/2, 2:30-4:30pm.

  • Long Beach/South Bay - Wednesday, 2/5, 6-8pm.

  • Northeast LA -  Thursday, 2/6, 6-8pm.

  • San Gabriel Valley - Wednesday, 2/12, 6-8pm.

Sawtelle Community Canvassing - Jan. 25

Help us knock on doors in the Sawtelle neighborhood to help understand what needs there are in a community just outside the evacuation zone. Checking in is one way to give back right now. We’ll train you, no experience required. You don’t have to live in Sawtelle to participate. We’ll be meeting at Stoner Park. RSVP here.

Designing the Future: A Capital Improvement Plan for LA City - November 4

In the final months of 2024, Mayor Karen Bass put forth Executive Directive #9, setting the stage for the City of LA to develop its first-ever Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) -- a comprehensive backwards-plan for building and investing in LA’s streets, sidewalks, parks, and public spaces, in ways that could more equitably serve communities across the city. LA is the only major city in California without a CIP! Find out more about what a CIP is, how it works, and how YOU can play a role in its creation, so that your voice supports the design of a city we can all live, work, and play in. RSVP here.

 If you have questions about any of these programs, please reach out to our Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at 

In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward Institute

Join LA Podcast LIVE zoom on Thursday -- "The Fires and What Comes Next... " and submit your essay about recovery

One week ago today, Angelenos woke up to a city that had been irrevocably transformed overnight. After years of recording so-called emergency episodes, this is the emergency we imagined was possible but hoped to never see.

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, January 16 at 8 p.m. for a very special live show on Zoom. Bring your questions about the fires, the city and county response, and where LA goes next. 

In this troubled time, Southern California needs forums for thoughtful discussion about how we move toward healing, recovery, and reconstruction.

LA Podcast and LA Forward Institute are teaming up to solicit and publish an array of opinion essays (600-1,800 words) about these topics, with a focus on what kind of policies our governments should pursue in the wake of the fires so our region is a fair, flourishing place for everyone, especially those who've been most impacted. 

Please let us know if you might be interested in submitting an essay by filling out the form on our website here.

Grappling with the fires - join us TONIGHT @ 7pm

I hoped to be writing our first email of the year under better circumstances. It's heartbreaking to see and experience the devastation caused by the fires across LA County. Like you, I have loved ones and LA Forward community members who have been deeply impacted by this disaster, including hundreds of families who have lost their homes and more. On Friday, our staff team met to figure out where we fit into relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts and what we can uniquely offer our community. 

We invite you to join us TONIGHT, Tuesday, January 14th from 7 to 8pm, for a virtual gathering where we'll have a space to process and talk through some of what we've been feeling, hear from local elected officials about their perspectives (inluding Pasadena City Councilmember Rick Cole), learn from our partners ar Inclusive Action about ways you can support outdoor workers who've lost their incomes due to the fires, and share our plan for moving forward as a community of Angelenos committed to building a fair, flourishing region for everyone.

We hope you can join us. Register for the Zoom here

This will be the first of a series of spaces we’ll host to process and address the broader implications of the fires – including their political and climate implications. Stay tuned for details on upcoming gatherings.

In addition to joining us on Tuesday, we want to highlight an opportunity to support communities who are badly affected by the fires but haven't gotten as much media attention or financial support -- workers who have lost their livelihoods.

And if you're interested in giving directly to people who've lost their homes in the Eaton fire who've raised very little in recovery funds so far, check out this comprehensive spreadsheet of GoFundMes.

The Mutual Aid Los Angeles Network has created a searchable spreadsheet of organizations and locations offering shelter, food, supplies, and more. You can find that here.

We hope to see you TONIGHT and in the months ahead as we work toward healing, recovery, and reconstruction.

In solidarity, 

David Levitus, Ph.D.
Founder & Executive Director
LA Forward Institute

Grateful for what we accomplished together in 2024

This wasn’t an easy year, but I’m so proud of everything we accomplished as an LA Forward community. Thank you for for supporting us financially this year! I’m happy to share 2024 highlights below and I hope you’ll keep the LA Forward family of organizations (c3, c4, PAC) in mind for you make plans for year-end giving. 

In 2024, our LA Forward family of organizations: 

This is just a sampling of what we’ve done in 2024 thanks to support from people like you. We’re looking forward to sharing an even more detailed impact report next month and following up with more details about our plans to fight Trumpism and make LA County a fair, flourishing place for everyone.

Your support is critical to powering our work. We literally can't do this work without resources. And the unrestricted funding that individuals provide is the most valuable kind of support we can get.  We will be making some important decisions about how ambitious our organizing and advocacy plans can be for 2025. Getting your support now would go a long way toward helping us set our sights high for the new year.

You can make a tax deductible donation to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate at (including via your DAF), contribute to our affiliated PAC (LA Forward AF) at, or give to support LA Forward's core work at  

Thank you so much for your support and partnership in this vital work. 

With gratitude, 

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

Last-minute voting help & gathering after the election

This is it, folks! We are 6 days from Election Day. Whether you’ve voted on not, are calm or panicking, we have what you need to get through this week. Still haven’t voted? Check out our easy-to-share voter guide graphics below and linked here, and share with a friend. You can find official government resources on how to cast your ballot at if you live in LA County.

On Sunday afternoon we’re hosting a family-friendly ballot party in DTLA with LA Podcast. On Monday evening, we're hosting virtual ballot cram session. And if you’re feeling election-day nerves, the best thing to combat jitters is taking action – join us to phonebank for Measure A on Tuesday.

Save the Date

We're also planning beyond the election to make sure the LA Forward community has spaces to reflect on the results (hopefully in celebration!). Save the date for our Election Debrief on November 12th. If you’re a parent of a little one, join us for our first-ever Post-Election Playdate on November 9. This is a great opportunity to meet other parents of little kids and have a chance to talk politics with grownups, at least for as long as the kids allow it. Get more info and save the date here.


The 2024 LA Forward Voter Guide

We are very proud of our most comprehensive voter guide to date. We also know it’s a long read. We’ve made these graphics to help guide you through the process. You can download them here as well, and share with friends!

Get the Voter Guide

Ballot Party DTLA - November 3

We’ve added one more LA City Ballot Party to the calendar, this time in partnership with the LA Podcast! We’ll be in DTLA at Grand Park this Sunday, 2-4pm. Bring a picnic blanket and your ballot. We’ll have snacks and all the info you need to vote. And being at a park means if you’ve got kids, they can tackle the playground while you tackle your ballot! RSVP here.

Ballot Cram Session - November 4

Left your ballot to the very last minute? Don’t fret! We’re here to help walk you through it and understand your options. Bring your ballot and join LA Forward staff on Zoom for help on getting it done and making sure your questions are answered. RSVP here.

Election Day Measure A Phonebank - November 5

Let’s go LA! It’s the bottom of the ninth, and we need YOU to help us score the winning run. Join us on Election Day, 3-5pm, for a final push to pass Measure A. We can’t afford to strike out on funding essential services and affordable housing. Go team! Get on the roster here.


Election Essentials from the What's Next, Los Angeles? Podcast

The What’s Next Los Angeles? podcast with Mike Bonin, in partnership with LA Forward, is an excellent resource for folks who want to learn more about what’s on their ballot (and beyond!). In the most recent episodes of the podcast, Mike has covered Measure A (affordable housing & homless services), Prop 4 (combatting climate change), Prop 6 (ending forced labor in prisons), and interviewed candidates George Gascon for District Attorney, Ysabel Jurado for LA City Council, and judicial candidates George Turner and Ericka Wiley. Check out the full list of episodes here or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to get alerts about more election content coming out this week! 

And beyond the election, check out Mike's recent essay about the questions around policing that LA City Council needs to ask before confirming a new police chief.


Now let's get out there and vote!

In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

LA Forward's Voter Guide is here + everything you need for this election

We’re feeling the crunch! There are less than three weeks until election day – here are the events and resources you need to get through the final stretch. We are especially excited to announce our most comprehensive voter guide ever — it covers candidates and ballot measures for 30+ local cities, LA County, and the State of California. We are also proud to announce our most recent round of endorsed candidates and our new Action Fund to help support them!

In addition to our voter guide, we’re offering many ways to learn what’s on the ballot. We’re hosting a special Ballot Proposition Breakdown session to help walk you through the overwhelming number of props and measures on your ballot this year. Ballot Parties are coming up in Pomona, Covina, North Hollywood and Long Beach. If you’re a last-minute voter, make sure you come to our ballot cram session on Nov 4th and get your vote in on time!

Check out the phenomenal latest episodes of What’s Next, Los Angeles?  podcast, where Mike Bonin interviews guests to get the full story on Measure G (LA County governance reform), Prop 4 (climate protection funding)  Prop 33 (rent control), and Prop 36 (repeals criminal justice reforms). 

And please take our survey and help shape the future of LA Forward, if you haven't already filled it out!


The 2024 LA Forward Voter Guide

The very first thing LA Forward ever did when we were launched in 2016 was to create a voter guide to all the propositions on the ballot. Since then, we’ve done an extensive voter guide for every major election. In 2022, we began endorsing and featuring candidates for the first time ever. This year, we recommended more candidates than ever before, getting involved in cities across LA County such as Santa Monica, Culver City, Burbank, West Covina, Claremont, and Pomona in addition to our usual LA City and Countywide recommendations. 

Please share the voter guide with your networks, and vote by Tuesday, November 5!

Get Your Voter Guide

Our Endorsed Candidates

LA Forward endorses progressive candidates for local office after a comprehensive and deliberative process that ensures you can trust our recommendation. Based on questionnaires and interviews, our endorsement task force makes recommendations to our dues-paying members, who vote on them. Check out our endorsements and please follow the links on this page to learn more about the candidates, donate and volunteer! 

Want to support this work? Make a contribution to our new Action Fund! The purpose of LA Forward Action Fund is to raise money to support our endorsed candidates and ballot measures. Our goal right now is to make the maximum possible contribution to our endorsed candidate in cities across Los Angeles County.

More Ballot Parties! 

Four down and four to go! LA Forward community members are loving ballot parties for breaking down hard-to-digest propositions and races into bite size pieces. Why struggle through your ballot alone when you can get all the resources you need while having a great time? Join us at an upcoming ballot party:

10/22 - Pomona
10/24 - Covina
10/24 - North Hollywood
10/30 - Long Beach

Ballot Proposition Breakdown - Oct 21

There are ten state propositions on the ballot and dozens more measures for LA County and its many cities. It’s a LOT to keep track of— we are here to help you make sense of it all! Join me as I explain the key measures and answer your questions.

Phonebank for Measure A - Oct 22

Join the LA Forward Housing Justice Working Group alongside other organizations to help get the word out about Measure A and how it will create more homes we can afford! There will be a short training on Zoom at 5:00pm to provide you with the tools that you need to reach out to voters using our phone banking system.

Ballot Cram Session - Nov 4

Left your ballot to the very last minute? Don’t fret! We’re here to help walk you through it and understand your options. Bring your ballot and join LA Forward staff on Zoom for help on getting it done and making sure your questions are answered.

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to LA Forward Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at

Don't forget to check out our 2024 Voter Guide. If you find our guide helpful, please share it with your networks and consider donating to the LA Forward Action Fund to support this work and our endorsed candidates.

In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

Ballot Parties are back -- learn everything you need to know about voting this election!

We can hardly believe it’s October and ballots start arriving in mailboxes next week! That’s why we packed this month with ways for you to get educated on what’s on the ballot, take action, and vote together. That’s right – vote together. We are excited to host a series of ballot parties across the county so you can navigate your ballot with like-minded Angelenos while having fun!

And join us for our Monthly Meeting on October 8th where we’ll answer your burning questions about candidates, ballot measures and more.Dive further into what’s on the ballot with the OUR LA coalition and get a charter reform ballot preview, plus ways for you to get involved with the charter commission. 

We’ll also be phonebanking for District Attorney George Gascón’s re-election campaign, textbanking for the Defenders of Justice, rallying for Measures DD+LL, and continuing with week four of our election action support zooms

We need your input on the future of LA Forward -- we'd be grateful if you fill out our community survey by the weekend if you haven't already!


Ballot Parties Across the County

You don’t need to face your ballot alone. We’re hosting ballot parties across the county over the next month -- from Culver City to Covina! Bring your mail-in ballot and fill it out in community with appetizers and refreshments. If you’ve got questions, there’ll be people around you to help you figure out how to navigate your ballot and its many choices. Join us (bring your friends/family/neighbors!) for an informal, fun, and surprisingly productive way to participate in our democracy. Here are all our ballot party dates: 

  • Oct 10 - Highland Park

  • Oct 15 - Culver City

  • Oct 15 - On Zoom with SGV Swing Left

  • Oct 16 - Pasadena

  • Oct 22 - Pomona

  • Oct 24 - Covina

  • Oct 24 - North Hollywood

October Monthly Meeting - Oct 8

This monthly meeting will focus oneverything election. You'll receive your ballot in the mail next week, so we’ll make sure you have all the information you need to vote. You’ll have a chance to ask any of your election-related questions, and also take a small action to make a big impact to help your friends and family vote too. And as always, we’ll get updates from our working groups too.

OUR LA Charter Reform Ballot Preview + Charter Commission Opportunities - Oct 7

This general election, LA City and LA County voters will have the opportunity to change the way their governments run via SIX charter amendments on the LA City Ballot and one charter amendment at the LA County level. Come find out more about what's on your ballot, AND find out how you can continue to change how LA City is governed via a new commission being formed. Want to be on it? Want to inform it? Join us to explore your options!

Rally and Press Conference: YES on Measures DD and LL - Oct 9

October 9th marks the 2-year anniversary of the leaked audio tape that shed light to the racism and corruption that plagues City Hall and our current redistricting system. This October 9th we come together to make clear – we run LA, not politicians – and call on voters to vote Yes on Measures DD & LL this November. Angelenos for Fair Maps will rally and hold a press conference at City Hall to ensure voters vote YES on Measures DD (LA City Independent Redistricting) and LL (LAUSD Independent Redistricting). Can we count on you to be there? RSVP here. If you want to learn more about these measures, check out the recording from the campaign kickoff event here.

Lunchbreak Textbank with the Defenders of Justice - Oct 7

Bring your lunch (to Zoom!) and help us text voters to keep an eye out for their ballots AND vote for our endorsed judicial candidates running as The Defenders of Justice: Ericka Wiley for Seat 48 and George Turner for Seat 39. All you need is your computer, internet access, your lunch, and a working finger.

Phonebank for George Gascón - Oct 8

Right after our monthly meeting, stay with us to take election action! Join LA Forward and other supporters to phonebank for DA George Gascon's re-election campaign. Throughout George’s tenure, he’s fought to reform our criminal justice system to build an L.A. County that is not only safer but also fairer and more just. Help us spread the word.

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to LA Forward Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

In solidarity,
LA Forward

Candidate Forums + What's on the Ballot Teach-ins + Election Action!

We’re only halfway through September and we’ve already doubled the number of opportunities for you to learn, take action and build community this election season! Ballots drop October 7th, and there are so many candidates and critical ballot measures to learn about before then. We’re excited to announce that we will be co-hosting an in-person Assembly District 44 Candidate Forum on September 26 to hear from candidates Nick Schultz and Tony Rodriguez on their plans for housing and unarmed crisis response. And don’t miss your chance to meet LA Forward endorsed candidate Jillian Burgos for LA City Council!

Our Housing Justice Group will break down Housing Justice on the Ballot: Measure A + Props 5 and 33. We’re also hosting the campaign kickoff for Angelenos for Fair Maps, YES on Measures DD & LL, and we have a special phonebank to support Measure A, which means more affordable housing!

Do you know what the Department of City Planning has to do with affordable housing and why it’s a critical time to be paying attention? Find out TOMORROW at a special teach-in with ACT-LA, and join us for the Housing Justice Showcase on Sept 21 to explore initiatives for affordable housing from LAFI's Housing Academy cohort.

Meet other community members working for wins in November during our Weekly Election Action Support Zooms starting this Wednesday, and attend the Sawtelle Meetup to connect with your neighbors on the Westside. 

If you missed any of our teach-ins and conversations over the past month, don't worry. We recorded them and you can find our teach-ins on Measure A, Grants Pass, Social Housing Development 101, and Report Forward Live: Social Housing, all at this link.

And if you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to Mike Bonin’s podcast What’s Next Los Angeles?, newly in partnership with LA Forward. He covered the history of labor in LAdeath of newspapers, and had a conversation with the chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party in recent episodes. New episodes drop every Monday!

LA Forward Institute's Assembly District 44 Candidate Forum - Sept 26

In partnership with Housing Now!, LA Forward Institute is excited to be hosting a non-partisan forum for the two candidates running to replace current Assembly District 44 Assemblymember Laura Friedman: Nick Schultz and Tony Rodriguez. In particular, candidates will be asked to share their commitments and policy proposals to address urgent issues related to housing and unarmed crisis response in the San Fernando Valley and beyond. Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP here.

Meet Jillian Burgos for LA City Council - Sept 19

Come meet LA Forward endorsed candidate Jillian Burgos. She's running to bring a renter’s voice to LA City Council in a district that has never been represented by a renter (City Council District 2, based in the Southeast San Fernando Valley). Join us for an evening of getting to know Jillian! RSVP here.

Housing Justice on the Ballot: Measure A + Props 5 and 33 - Sept 23

In LA County, we as voters have the opportunity to be our OWN legislators for housing justice this November! With ballots dropping in just two weeks, there is much work to be done to ensure LA County Measure A passes, AND there are also two key state ballot measures that could change the game for Californians: Prop 5, which would lower the threshold of voter approval necessary to pass local bond measures (for housing, for example!), and Prop 33, which would enable local governments to finally introduce rent control measures that make a real difference for regular people. Join us to find out more about how you can support these important measures! RSVP here.

Phonebank for Measure A! - Sept 24

After you learn about Measure A on the 23rd, join us on the 24th alongside other organizations to help get the word out about Measure A and how it will create more homes we can afford, more mental health care, and more accountability! There will be a short training on Zoom at 5:00pm to provide you with the tools that you need to reach out to voters using a phone banking system. RSVP here.

Angelenos for Fair Maps Campaign Kick-off - Sept 25

IT'S TIME! We're kicking off the YES on Measures DD and LL campaign! Grassroots organizations have worked with LA City Council to put TWO measures on the upcoming ballot that can establish independent redistricting commissions for the City of Los Angeles (Measure DD) and Los Angeles Unified School District (Measure LL). Angelenos for Fair Maps – Yes on Measures DD & LL! puts important decision-making power about our futures back in the hands of Angelenos, and out of the hands of power-hungry politicians. Celebrate this opportunity for a stronger democracy and learn how you can take action, by RSVPing to this kick-off Zoom! We need to win this! RSVP here.

Upcoming LA City Planning Ordinances: Time to Take Action! - Sept 17th

LA City Planning will have a final hearing soon about ordinances that will either enable or exclude affordable housing in our neighborhoods, and prevent displacement in gentrifying communities -- or not. Find out more about these important draft ordinances and what you can do to help City Planning lean toward housing affordability for all Angelenos. We'll be joined by members and experts at the ACT-LA coalition. RSVP here.

Sawtelle Community Meet-up - Sept 18 

Join members in the Sawtelle area who have been building community through monthly meetings since March. If you're in or around Sawtelle and want to connect with other community members wanting to make your neighborhood more of the neighborhood you know it can be, register to get the meet-up address, hosted in-person by a fellow Sawtelle resident! RSVP here.

Weekly Election Action Support - Sept 18

Join us for our first of many weekly election support zooms! We’ll come together to talk about what each of us is working on, and set goals for the week ahead. Check out our list of election action resources to get started, or bring the work you’re doing that’s not on our list. This will be an interactive and conversational event. RSVP here.

 San Gabriel Valley Housing Justice Showcase - Sept 21

Over the last six months, residents across the SGV have participated in LA Forward Institute’s SGV Community Leadership for Affordable Housing Academy to build policy, advocacy, and organizing skills to support affordable housing production (and more!) in their communities. Now, they’re ready to pitch their initiatives to community members who also want to preserve, protect, and produce affordable housing for their neighborhoods. You’re invited to hear their ideas, decide which ones you would support, and celebrate their leadership over lunch — on us! RSVP here.

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to me, Godfrey Plata, at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

In solidarity,

Godfrey Plata
Deputy Director
LA Forward

Meet The Candidates + Take Election Action Together + Learn About Social Housing !

We're diving into an action-packed September, full of opportunities for you to jump-start election season! Hear from our endorsed campaigns at our Monthly Meeting, come to our presidential debate watch party, and read-on for a save-the-date for an opportunity to meet one of our endorsed candidates. We're also kicking off Weekly Election Action Support Zooms starting September 18th; it's always more fun to take action together, so let's set ourselves up to win in November. 

And that's not all. Explore affordable housing solutions at our in person SGV Housing Justice Showcase and Report Forward LIVE about social housing happening tomorrow evening (Thursday 9/5) on zoom with Alissa Walker. And for thought-provoking insights on Los Angeles, tune into Mike Bonin’s podcast, What’s Next Los Angeles?, newly in partnership with LA Forward! 

If you're new to our community, welcome! We're excited to invite you to our Community Orientation happening just before the September Monthly Meeting. 


September Monthly Meeting - September 12

Join us for this special Monthly Meeting featuring representatives from each of our endorsed campaigns. Learn about who we’re supporting and how you can get involved. You’ll also get juicy updates on the work happening across LA Forward– from climate and housing justice, to unarmed crisis response and more. RSVP for the meeting here


Orientation to the LA Forward Community - September 12

If you’re new to LA Forward or just need a refresher on who we are, we encourage you to join us for a 30-minute orientation before the Monthly Meeting. You’ll learn about the family of organizations that make up LA Forward and how we’re working towards our mission of making LA County a fair, flourishing place for everyone. After the orientation from 6:30-7pm, jump straight into our September Monthly meeting from 7-8pm! RSVP for the orientation here.


Report Forward LIVE: Social Housing! - September 5

Join a conversation with journalist Alissa Walker and LAFI Executive Director David Levitus about the Vienna social housing model, spotlighted in the August 2024 issue of Report Forward, David’s experiences visiting Vienna social housing last Spring, and the exciting new possibilities for social housing in LA County. RSVP here.


Weekly Election Action Support Zooms - September 18

Do you want to take action this election season but don’t know where to start? Do you feel like you need other active folks to hold you accountable? Join us for our first of many weekly election action support zooms! We’ll come together every Wednesday until election day to talk about what each of us is working on, and set goals for the week ahead. Check out our list of election action resources to get started, or bring the work you’re doing that’s not on our list. This will be an interactive and conversational event. RSVP for September 18th here, and then go to our calendar to RSVP to each of our future election action support zooms.


Debate Watch Party + Postcarding for Ysabel - September 10

Speaking of the election, don’t watch the presidential debate alone! Come to our debate watch party at Block Party in Highland Park, in collaboration with Ysabel Jurado’s campaign for CD14. Meet new and old friends, cheer and gasp together, AND we’ll be post carding for Ysabel too! RSVP at this link (


Save the Date: Meet Jillian Burgos for CD-2 - September 19

Save the Date! Come meet LA Forward endorsed Candidate Jillian Burgos. Jillian is running to bring a renter’s voice to City Council in a district that has never been represented by a renter. She is deeply aligned on policy with LA Forward’s members and is passionate about programs that support marginalized communities, protect renters, invest in compassionate solutions for the unhoused, expand public transit access, and much more. This event will take place over Zoom on the evening of September 19th. More info and an RSVP link to come soon, mark your calendars!


SGV Housing Justice Showcase - September 21

Over the last six months, residents across the SGV have participated in LA Forward Institute’s SGV Community Leadership for Affordable Housing Academy to build policy, advocacy, and organizing skills to support affordable housing production (and more!) in their communities. Now, they’re ready to pitch their initiatives to community members who also want to preserve, protect, and produce affordable housing for their neighborhoods. You’re invited to hear their ideas, decide which ones you would support, and celebrate their leadership over lunch — on us! RSVP here.


LA Forward Presents What's Next Los Angeles?With Mike Bonin

We have exciting news! LA Forward is teaming up with Mike Bonin’s podcast What’s Next, Los Angeles? On WNLA, Mike Bonin – a writer, teacher, progressive activist and former LA City Councilmember – looks at the issues and problems facing Los Angeles, examines ideas, and talks with the people who will lead us to a brighter future. He kicked off a new season last week by interviewing Marqueece Harris-Dawson, the newly elected President of the LA City Council. And on Labor Day, he examined the history of organized labor in Los Angeles. Look out for new episodes every week. You can listen here, or wherever you get your podcasts.

If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to our Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

Understanding Measure A 👏 - better solutions for our County

This is big – Measure A is OFFICIALLY on this November’s ballot. Here’s what to know and why it matters.

Measure A is a citizen’s initiative that was written by a coalition of housing experts, mental health professionals, labor leaders and community advocates and was put on the ballot after being signed by over 400,000 neighbors across LA County.

And Measure A does four important things.

1. First, it creates more homes we can afford by not just building more housing for people in need, but also addressing the root causes of housing insecurity.

2. Second, it expands access to mental health care, while also providing more addiction and trauma services to those living on our streets.

3. Third, it keeps our communities safe by increasing more emergency housing and mental health support in times of crisis.

4. And finally, it does all of the above with an unprecedented level of accountability, with audits and citizen oversight to make sure we invest in the programs that work, not the ones that don’t.

One last thing – 

If we don’t pass Measure A, funding for existing housing and mental health services that currently serve over 35,000 of our neighbors will be cut. That means homelessness could increase by 25%, and LA will become even less affordable for all of us. We can’t let that happen.

Want to learn more about Measure A? LA Forward Institute hosted a teach-in last week that covers the details of the measure, and gives you the tools and language to talk about Measure A with your communities. Watch the teach-in here

Now that you know more about Measure A, here’s what you can do to help.


In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

We're suing the City of LA for obstructing affordable housing on the Westside

Working to build more affordable housing – especially in affluent areas which have historically excluded working-class people –  has been one of the central priorities of LA Forward Institute for the last eight years. That’s why I am proud that our group is a lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against the City of LA for unlawfully obstructing the Venice Dell affordable housing project.

Venice Dell is a 100% affordable housing project set to be built on a City-owned parking lot. When built, it’ll provide 68 supportive apartments for individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness and 68 affordable apartments for low-income households and artists, along with supportive service, ground floor commercial space, and a parking structure to replace the spaces in the existing lot. The project, which is being developed by two experienced affordable housing nonprofits (Venice Community Housing and Hollywood Community Housing Corporation) has been in the works since 2016 (!). It is part of the City’s plan to develop its land for affordable housing and the City itself specifically asked for developers to propose affordable housing on this site. The City and the nonprofit developers made a binding agreement in 2022 to build the housing, after 18 rounds of public meetings.

Unfortunately, progress on the remaining bureaucratic approvals has halted due to the efforts of City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto and District 11 Councilmember Traci Park. Both campaigned against the project when they ran for office in 2022. Now they're using their offices to tie up the Project in red tape outside public view and in violation of multiple laws, preventing the project from getting to the finish line. These delays are undermining the City’s own housing policies and contributing to the city’s homelessness and affordability crisis. 

The lawsuit was announced at a press conference at Venice Dell last month.

This issue is a personal one for me. I’ve lived on the Westside for nearly 20 years. The rent-controlled apartment where I reside with my wife and two little kids has been a lifeline in tough financial times. We’ve seen more and more of our neighbors forced out of the Westside and out of LA as whole. Many have become homeless as the housing market has entered an upward spiral. We’ve seen more and more senior citizens who are long-time residents of our neighborhoods become homeless, forced to spend their retirement struggling to survive on the streets despite their physically and medically vulnerable state. It is a moral outrage and it is unacceptable.

The housing crisis is real - and it's worsening by the day. More than half of Angeleno renters are rent-burdened, and 28% are severely rent-burdened, paying more than 50% of their income on rent and utilities. The price of the median detached single-family home in Los Angeles is nearly $1 million. That means to put 20% down, a family would have to have $200,000 saved, nearly triple the median income in Los Angeles. 

In particular the Westside needs and deserves affordable housing equally to any other part of the city and so far, we haven’t been getting it. As an organization, LA Forward Institute aims to make Los Angeles County into a fair, flourishing region where our public institutions ensure that all people can live in dignity and reach their fullest potential as human beings. But in order to achieve that mission we must build more housing for our unhoused and struggling neighbors, even in the face of wealthy, well-resourced opposition. We can do better and we must do better.

Donate to support our work to build more affordable housing and hold local government accountable

Our Lawsuit In the News

KTLA. Watch here to see LAFI Executive Director, David Levitus, speak at a press conference announcing the lawsuit. 

Los Angeles Times: “As a city, we could be creating far more affordable housing if only we weren’t being obstructed at every turn by people who don’t think their part of town needs to do their fair share,” said David Levitus, executive director of LA Forward Institute. Read more here.

Los Angeles Public Press: We didn’t want to file this lawsuit,” said David Levitus, executive director of LA Forward Institute. “There hasn’t been a good faith effort by the City. It’s been endless delay and obstruction.”  Read more Read more here

Thank you for your support!

In solidarity, 

David Levitus, Ph.D.
Founder & Executive Director
LA Forward Institute

Monthly Meetings Are Back + Housing Housing Housing!

We're doing more than ever before at LA Forward and it can be a little hard to keep up. So we're bringing back one of our old traditions -- the monthly meeting -- to help you catch up and find ways to get involved that work best for you. Join us Tuesday, August 13 for a quick Monthly Meeting on zoom where you’ll get the download on everything we’re doing, hear the latest LA County and City news, and learn about opportunities to plug in.

We also have a big series of educational events about how to effectively confront the housing and homelessness crises, the single biggest and most difficult problem facing LA County. This Monday, we'll discuss the impact of the Grants Pass Supreme Court decision on LA County, then a week later, holding a teach-in on a bold new way to house LA with Measure A, and offering session on Affordable Housing Development 101. And if you live in Long Beach, join our first-ever Long Beach Mixer on August 22!

August Monthly Meeting - August 13

There is so much work happening at LA Forward, it can be tough to keep track of all of it. Join us for a reboot of our monthly membership meetings, where you’ll get updates on what’s happening across LA Forward. Whether you’ve been part of our community for years, or you're a complete newcomer, this is the perfect way to get up speed on what we’ve been doing and get involved! RSVP here.


Grants Pass and Us: What Now? - August 12

Join LA Forward Institute and allies from Pasadena For All, Union Station Homeless Services, San Gabriel Valley Consortium on Homelessness, and others as we learn about the recent United States Supreme Court decision referred to asGrants Pass. We’ll also discuss Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent executive order which could allow for cities to criminalize poverty and homelessness. We’ll dive into the possible on-the-ground impact of these decisions. There will be time for regional discussions to include LA City, Pasadena, and other cities.RSVP here.


YES on Measure A! A Teach-in - August 20

A Bold New Way to house LA is on the ballot this November! Measure A aims to address the critical issues of housing affordability and homelessness by requiring more accountability for service providers, building more affordable housing, providing better and more mental health services, and more. Join LA Forward Institute to learn about Measure A and why we want a YES vote to get it passed in November. You’ll also learn language and tools to share about Measure A with your community. RSVP here.


Long Beach Mixer - August 22

Join us for LA Forward’s inaugural Long Beach Mixer! Connect with fellow Long Beach residents and allied local groups for a mid-week social event. This is your opportunity to network with like-minded neighbors ahead of the November election and strengthen progressive power in Long Beach. RSVP here.

Affordable Housing Development 101 - August 26

Everyone knows we need more affordable housing, but what does it take to actually develop it? Join members of LAFI's Housing Justice Action Team as they learn the basics about affordable housing development with Alan Greenlee, Executive Director of SCANPH (the Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing). Open to all who want to become smarter policy advocates for affordable housing. RSVP here

If you have any questions about these programs, please the reach out to our Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, at We look forward to seeing you soon! 

In solidarity,

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward

Community Responses to County Governance Reform

Join us TONIGHT to hear from a panel of community organizations about the major governance reforms being proposed for LA County, which voters are likely to see on their November ballot! These changes include increasing the number of county supervisors, creating an elected County Executive position, and more. Earlier this month, we heard from the author of the proposal, Supervisor Lindsey Horvath. Featured groups include Common Cause, Social Justice Learning Institute, Catalyst California, California Black Power Network, and AAPI Equity Alliance. RSVP here so you don't miss it!

And check out upcoming events like our SFV Mixer on Tuesday night and the revival of our monthly meetings -- starting August 13 -- where you’ll get updates on all that’s happening across LA Forward. 


San Fernando Valley Mixer - July 30, 6-8pm

Want to meet other progressives in the San Fernando Valley? Join us at Idle Hour in North Hollywood for this fun summer happy hour where we’ll build community and a stronger SFV! RSVP here.


Community Meeting - August 13, 7-8pm

There is so much work happening at LA Forward, it can be hard to keep track of all of it! Join us for a reboot of our monthly membership meetings, where you’ll get updates on what’s happening at LA Forward. Whether you’ve been part of LA Forward for years, or you’ve never come to one of our events, this is the perfect way to get up-to-date on what we’ve been up to and get plugged-in! RSVP here

Let's Get Ready to Win in November!

This weekend’s news was a political earthquake and we’re still experiencing the aftershocks. No matter how you’re feeling, if you want to get on firmer ground, learn what the process looks like from here, and how you can get involved in defeating Trump aside from donating to the presidential campaign, we have a perfect event for you! Join us this Tuesday at 7-8pm PDT on Zoom!

Join LA Forward as we talk about what the rest of the presidential election looks like and how you can support effective grassroots groups turning out the vote in swing states with your time and your money, and much more. Because we know who wins the White House and Congress has a massive impact locally.

And we can’t stop there. There are dozens of important races and ballot measures up and down the ballot in our cities, county, and state and we’ll provide a roadmap for how you can be involved locally. 

We hope you join in as we process the news of this weekend, learn about what happens next with the presidential race, and hear about opportunities to take action as we head towards November. This is go time. Let’s get ready to win up and down the ballot! RSVP here

Huge Changes Proposed for LA County Government - learn more with us

There's a lot happening on the national political stage that can make it hard to keep up with what's happening locally. Don't worry, we have you covered! Last week, we all learned about a plan for the biggest governance reform package LA County has seen in over a century. This is huge news that could have major impacts for all Angelenos. Join us for a teach-in on Monday, July 15 to learn more.  LA County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath will join us and answer our questions. (That's not all, we also have teach-ins on social housing and the history of the housing injustice and the housing justice movement in LA, plus a San Fernando Valley mixer.)

County Supervisors Horvath and Hahn announced a proposal last week to make major changes to the County Governent, including increasing the number of County Supervisors from five to nine. Currently, there are 2 million people per district, which means each supervisor represents a population greater than many states. The proposal also would make County CEO an elected position, establish an independent ethics commission, creates a process for regular charter review, and much more.

While this isn't the first attempt to increase the number of supervisor seats, it is the first time a proposal is being pushed through at lightning speed. The first vote about placing it on the ballot was yesterday. There will be need two more votes the County Supervisors before August 9 -- likely on July 30 and August 6.

Join us on Monday, July 15 to learn more about the proposed ballot measure and how it would affect all of Los Angeles County. We'll be joined by Supervisor Horvath herself! RSVP here.

Heat equity, social housing, and the history of the housing justice movement in LA!

We're busy, hot, and fired up to kick off summer with a great lineup of July events. Join us for teach-ins on heat equity, social housing, and the history of the housing justice movement in LA. And don't miss our mixer in the San Fernando Valley! Keep on reading for more details. 

Heat Equity Is Survival - July 9 

It's getting hot in here -- and that's terrible news, especially if you're a tenant without access to AC or the funds to pay an expensive utility bill. This isn't just for comfort; it's for survival. In this teach-in, learn about heat equity and tenant support in the San Gabriel Valley, with SGV Casita! SGV Casita is a hub for housing organizers working to bring attention to extreme heat in housing issues.RSVP here.    

Social Housing 101 - July 11

With money becoming available from Measure ULA, social housing is no longer a pipe dream, but a reality that is right in front of us. So let's get educated together. New to social housing? Build some initial language and vision with us in this virtual teach-in, and plug into ways you can bring permanently affordable housing built on public land and intended for tenant ownership to your city and neighborhood. RSVP here.    

The Housing Justice Movement In LA City: A History - July 17

Who are the largest movers and shakers in housing justice work in LA? What challenges forced movement organizations to emerge, and what contributions have those groups made to the landscape of housing justice work in the city? Explore the history of housing justice work in the City of Angels, and implications for our work in housing justice today. RSVP here.   

San Fernando Valley Happy Hour - July 30

Meet other progressives in the San Fernando Valley! Join us on July 30th from 6-8pm for this fun summer happy hour intending to build community and a stronger SFV. RSVP here to get updates on the location.

We look forward to seeing you for engaging discussions, teach-ins, and opportunities to connect with like-minded Angelenos.

Council put Independent Redistricting on the ballot, but there’s so much more needed --> here’s our plan

In 2022, leaked audio tapes exposed LA City Councilmembers' racist meddling with city redistricting processes to maintain the corrupt status quo and undermine renter power. Since then, LA Forward Institute has been part of the OUR LA and Fair Rep LA coalitions and advocated fiercely for policies that prevent corruption and make our government more democratic, responsive, and effective. This advocacy is already bearing fruit. This fall, Angelenos will be able to vote for Independent Redistricting Commissions to take over the process of drawing district lines for the LA City Council and the LAUSD School Board.

LA Forward Institute with OUR LA coalition partners at LA's first hearing on Council expansion in April 2023

We helped convince City Council to ensure that the independent redistricting will:

  • Provide translation of materials and interpretation at public meetings, hearings, and workshops

  • Enable non-citizens to serve as Redistricting Commissioners

  • Give compensation to Redistricting Commissioners to make it possible for low-income Angelenos to serve.    


Unfortunately, LA City Council failed to take decisive action on expanding the size of council and making districts smaller, which is a top priority of LAFI and OUR LA. LA City has the largest council districts in the country -- 265,000 residents per each of the 15 districts. In contrast, the nation's two other largest cities -- New York City and Chicago have 51 and 50 council districts. The average number of residents per district in the country's largest cities is approximately 150,000 -- way lower than LA's. We're continuing the work to transform LA's antiquated system and make our government more representative and accessible. Watch this video, featuring our Deputy Director Godfrey Plata, sharing more about the problem and how we can guarantee that council expansion comes to the LA City ballot by 2026!

LA City Council has recently approved the formation of a Charter Commission that could entertain expansion of council as part of its work. However, members of the commission will largely be politically-appointed and its recommendations will have to be approved by City Council before they go to the ballot. 

That's why LAFI is preparing to be at table inside City Hall AND building an outside campaign to put Council Expansion and Charter Reform on the ballot ourselves, without waiting for City Council to act. If you've got questions or want to get involved hands-on, please email Godfrey directly at

And if you have financial resources to support this work, we'd be grateful for your donations at We have options for giving online, via check, and through foundations and Donor Advised Funds. It's going to take a million dollars just to lay the groundwork for this transformative change, and every bit helps.

LA Forward in the News + Sunday 6/23 Assembly

We've been busy! And we've gotten a ton of press coverage for our work over the last six months. We played an important role in progressive wins in the March primary, weighed in on transportation projects, and advocated at City Hall to increase funding for effective, care-based responses to people experiencing mental health crises instead of sending armed police who only make the situation worse. Just this week, our Deputy Director, Godfrey Plata, was quoted in the LA Times with our take on the new LA City Charter Commission and the delay of LA city council expansion. 

Don't forget to RSVP for our Member Assembly this Sunday, 6/23. And if you want to learn how to run and win electoral campaigns, apply for LAFI's Campaign Leadership Academy by Sunday, 6/23!

Scoring a Big Win Against the Corporate Landlord & Police Lobbies

The CD4 race was fiercely contested with record-breaking special interest spending against incumbent Nithya Raman. David Levitus, our Executive Director, was quoted several times by LAist and LA Public Press, providing analysis of the primary and LA Forward's critical role in helping Nithya Raman get reelected.

And listen to this episode of Airtalk, in which LA Forward's independent expenditure work to defeat Raman's challenger is described as "a maturing of the progressive movement in Los Angeles."

Advocating for the Best Transit Option from the Valley to the Westside

Disputes over surrounding public transit plans for the Sepulveda Pass are heating up, as Bel Air homeowners fight attempts to build a subway that would go under their neighborhood and insist on a monorail along the 405 that would be slower and with less conveniently located stations. In this LA Public Press article, David weighed in:    

Speaking Out Against LA City Council's Procrastination On Key Reforms

The effort to expand the number of LA City Council seats was at a standstill in May. David expressed his disappointment over the stalling of the Los Angeles City Council expansion proposal in this LAist piece

Then on Tuesday of this week, the council voted to create a 13-member citizens commission to look into the possibility of expanding the number of council seats. This commission will consider changes to the city charter for the November 2026 ballot. Godfrey shared his thoughts on this development in the LA Times 

We are going to keep up the fight for a more democratic, diverse, and effective City Council. Stay tuned!

Fighting to Fund Effective, Care-Based Crisis Response

On May 18th, we organized a press conference in front of LA City Hall to call on Councilmembers to allocate an additional $4.5 million in the budget for unarmed crisis response. We were joined by the Represent LA Coalition, Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez and others. ABC7 covered the story, watch and read here

Thank you to our incredible volunteers who have been working on unarmed crisis response advocacy for over a year. One of our star volunteers, Jason Enright, shares his personal story in Los Angeles Daily News

Check out LAist for more coverage of the press conference, and consider joining the Unarmed Crisis Response Working Group meeting on Monday evening to tap into this work!