Tickets and Sponsorships — LA Forward

Get tickets for our Spring Fundraiser!

Spring Into Action supports LA Forward’s work to build people power, fight Trumpism locally, and create a fair, flourishing Los Angeles for everyone. Your support of this event is key funding for things like our voter guide, which directly reaches 250,000 people across LA County, helps elect progressives in dozens of cities and districts, and demystifies complicated ballot initiatives.

Unrestricted funding from event sponsorship makes this work possible.

Please complete the online form help us reach our goal or mail a check made out to LA Forward to PO Box 25386, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Thank you for honoring Charlotte, Otha, and Jim with us and supporting our vital work together!

If you purchased a program journal ad, we are happy to design the ad for you. If you’d like to submit your own design, please send us a PDF or PNG file of the following dimensions:

  • Full page: 5" w x 8.25" h

  • Half page: 5" w x 3.875" h

  • Quarter page: 2.4" w x 3.875" h

    Photos From Our 2024 Garden Party