Get educated and then take action

Our communities deserve better. We let big corporations evade taxes that should be used to fund our schools and we let policing and prisons take up a huge percentage of our local government budgets. It’s time to turn that round by passing Schools & Communities First (Prop 15) to close corporate property tax loopholes and Reimagine LA (Measure J) to direct local funding into community investment and alternatives to incarceration. September 17 at 8:00 PM, we’re fortunate to be joined by a couple talented speakers, Ben Grieff from Evolve and Mike Dennis from Everyone In, and we’d love for you to join us too. 

Do you want to educate yourself on how policing and criminal justice systems work in Los Angeles? The uprisings around the country have brought unprecedented attention to the institutionalized racism that communities of color face. LA Forward is excited to present a zoom discussion about what it looks like to re-imagine public safety and create a society that prioritizes caring for all of us. Plus the unveiling of informational guide that lays out the history of policing and power in Los Angeles -- created by LA Forward volunteers!

When: Sept. 20, 3 PM


We’ll be joined by Tina McKinnor from LA Voice and Brian Kaneda from CURB / Justice LA, for an urgent and important discussion of the criminal justice system and the imperative for transformation. 

Monday, September 21 at 7:30 PM: How to Bring Your Friends into the Campaign for Measure J - RSVP

One major step to transforming our racist, classist criminal justice system is passing the Measure J to prioritize LA County's $35,000,000,000 (that's 35 billion!) budget on alternatives to incarceration and the community care and investment programs that attack the root causes of crime.

To win our campaigns for Measure J, we need to massively multiply the army of people we have who are down to make calls and reach WAY more voters. This training will focus on fun, easy ways to recruit your friends, colleagues, and social networks to get involved. Join us!



Tuesday, September 22 at 8 PM: Tenant Protections Panel Discussion - RSVP

Keeping people housed shouldn’t be controversial. Housing shouldn’t be a privilege. But we have policies and institutions in place that systemically disadvantage people who rent their homes. At this moment of crisis, we need to support renters more than ever. Come learn from a panel of amazing organizers, attorneys, and policy experts about how to keep people housed right now and how to build a system where housing is truly just. Featuring Carla De Paz, the director of Community Power Collective; Katie McKeon, an attorney with Public Counsel; and Francisco Dueñas, the director of Housing Now, California’s leading housing justice coalition.