LA Forward Action Endorses Marco Santana for City Council in District 6

LOS ANGELES (February 27, 2023) – LA Forward Action has announced its endorsement of Marco Santana for L.A. City Council. Santana is running in the April 4th special election to fill the seat left vacant with the resignation of disgraced Councilmember Nury Martinez.

Announcing the endorsement, David Levitus, the Executive Director of LA Forward Action said, "LA Forward Action is proud to endorse Marco Santana for election to LA City’s Sixth Council District. Our endorsement committee was impressed by his community roots, broad range of support, and commitment to ethical and effective leadership on behalf of CD6 residents and all Angelenos. Los Angeles faces so many pressing challenges and we believe Marco is best equipped to tackle them of all the candidates. In particular, it will be a major step forward to have someone with his level of knowledge of the homeless services system – how it works and where it’s failing – serving on Council with the power to make change.”

“I’m honored to have the endorsement of LA Forward Action”, said Santana. “I share in LA Forward Action’s vision to empower Angelenos to be a voice in their community and to lift up the common needs of our residents. I look forward to bringing the voice of the Valley and its people back to City Hall and to work together to unite our city and address the key issues our neighborhoods are facing – issues such as homelessness, affordable housing, transportation, good jobs, and green space. By working together, we’ll be able to move LA forward and achieve the bright future we all deserve.”

LA Forward Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting progressive policy, holding elected officials accountable for advancing justice, and building coalitions across Los Angeles

To learn more about Marco Santana for Los Angeles City Council, visit and follow him @marco4la on Instagram and Facebook and @MarcoForLA on Twitter.

LA Forward Action’s candidate endorsements are the result of a multi-step process. Our 15 person endorsement taskforce — with representation from our different issue teams, regional groups, and partner organizations — reviewed written questionnaires from each candidate and conducted interviews before making their recommendations to our dues-paying membership, who voted on them. We don’t allow anyone, including candidates, to buy memberships. Only active members are allowed to participate in the voting process.

Join an Election Pod to make change as part of a community this fall!

This fall, LA City voters are electing NEW City leaders, HALF of its City Council, a NEW County Supervisor, and possibly a new County Sheriff to replace Alex Villanueva. There's also the opportunity to approve Measure ULA — a new and improved FUNDING SYSTEM for affordable housing+homelessness prevention and Measure A — to bring accountability to the Sheriff's Office. 

We're excited to invite you to join an “Election Pod,” a small group of 4-6 nearby community members who will help each other get out the vote for campaigns that YOU care about. Your schedules, your favorite candidates and initiatives, YOUR city to serve. Volunteer virtually and/or in-person: YOUR CHOICE. Let’s put democracy in action! 

Sign up on our our website – no election volunteering experience required! We will reach out once we have a grouping that fits your interests, availability, and geography.


Tuesday, August 30, 5:30 - 7:30 PM - Westside Campaign Launch for United to House LA

We’re excited to be leading Westside volunteer efforts for Measure ULA, which community leaders and service providers designed to finally provide the tools and resources we need to prevent homelessness, protect vulnerable tenants and seniors, and build more affordable housing more quickly than ever before.

To launch our work, we're sponsoring an interactive campaign launch in a beautiful, colorful courtyard at Safe Place for Youth in Venice. There’ll be speakers AND interactive stations where attendees can document in writing, pictures, and sound where they see ULA directly benefiting Westside community members! 

This will be a great event for Westside community members to learn and imagine what ULA funding could accomplish and figure out how you can be involved personally.

Food and beverages provided.


Join our Summer Organizing Kickoff! Sunday, 7/17, 3pm

We're upset, angry, and fired up about so many injustices and issues affecting us locally and across the nation and we're guessing you are too. If you're seeking community and a place to move into tangible action, join us this SUNDAY, July 17 from 3 to 5 pm for a BACKYARD ORGANIZING ASSEMBLY as consider opportunities the next few months to build power and pass policies that advance justice 

It'll be casual and structured, with no prior experience required. We'll be gathering outdoors in a beautiful and SHADED backyard on the Westside (near Pico/Overland Blvds, the Expo Line Ranch Park stop and the 10/405). Please RSVP here to get the address, and so we can get enough snacks and beverages!

During our afternoon together, we'll:

  • Check-in with each other in the midst of lots of local/national current events

  • Preview the progressive wins possible on the general election ballot, and the challenges we'll have to overcome to get win those wins

  • Dive into United to House LA, the city-wide effort to win hundreds of millions of dollars EVERY YEAR to house the unhoused, protect tenants, and ensure housing is affordable. Plus a special guest speaker!

Time to organize and chill -- join us!

Eunisses Hernandez is the smart choice for City Council District 1

The race for Los Angeles Council District 1 - covering parts of Northeast Los Angeles including Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, Angelino Heights, and Chinatown - is a campaign between a compassionate, justice-centered newcomer Eunisses Hernandez running an entirely grassroots campaign and incumbent Gil Cedillo cashing in favors from developers, oil companies, and the Chamber of Commerce. Because this is a two person, race it will be decided in June.

Eunisses Hernandez is the best choice for Council District 1. Eunnises has devoted her entire career to serving the people of Los Angeles with a bold vision for justice. She co-chaired Measure J, the successful ballot measure to move millions in local tax revenue to community reinvestment and alternatives to incarceration. She was a leader in the JusticeLA coalition to stop LA County's $3.5 billion jail plan. She founded La Defensa, a nonprofit that advocates for alternatives to incarceration in LA and restorative justice. She has won victories for LA that people said were not possible. She pairs her bold vision the ability to build relationships and organize for success.

Eunisses is running now to represent the people of CD 1 and be their advocate in City Council. She believes in creating public safety by investing in communities, providing resources for mental health services, public healthcare, education, and workforce development. She knows that we need to keep people housed by investing in affordable housing, particularly in a district where 70% of residents are renters and a growing number are experiencing homelessness. And she is committed to transitioning from fossil fuels and increasing public transportation to save our environment. 

Incumbent Gil Cedillo has stood in the way of progress on every one of these issues. He has repeatedly voted for ordinances that would criminalize homelessness rather than investing in affordable housing (which is not in the interests of his wealthy funders). He has diverted billions of dollars to the police while community programs remain underfunded. And, he has taken money from oil and gas companies that have an interest in maintaining LA's reliance on fossil fuels. He will not lead LA forward. 

Eunisses would be a phenomenal progressive voice on the LA City Council and her race will be decided in a matter of weeks. More than any other race on City Council, we need to volunteer and donate to get her over the finish line!

The Progressive Choice for LA City Attorney - Faisal Gill

The Los Angeles City Attorney is a citywide elected official with a range of broad powers that touch on every important issue facing LA. The City Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of misdemeanors in LA -- minor offenses like public intoxication, drug possession, or disorderly conduct -- and can further criminal justice reform by prioritizing diversion and provision of services over criminal prosecution. The City Attorney can wield the powers of affirmative litigation to sue any business engaging in unlawful, unfair, or deceptive conduct: employers who steal wages, landlords pushing tenants out, and companies dumping chemicals in our community. The City Attorney also advises council and city departments and can take a strong stance to prevent unlawful and unconstitutional conduct from departments like LAPD.

Out of seven candidates on the ballot in June, we see only one with clear progressive vision across all the issues we care about — Faisal Gill. Born in Pakistan, Faisal immigrated with his family to the U.S. as a child and witnessed his parents struggle with financial and housing insecurity. After putting himself through college and law school, Faisal joined the Navy as a JAG Corp officer and then worked in the federal government. Faisal was the subject of surveillance by the NSA during the Bush Administration because he was a Muslim man serving at a high level of government. His experiences with discrimination in the Republican Party changed his perspective and he became a Democrat and a civil rights lawyer. As a civil rights attorney, Gill represents clients whose rights have been grossly violated by LAPD misconduct. He is the only candidate who has taken on LAPD and won.

Gill is running with an unabashedly progressive vision for City Attorney. He is the only candidate who has pledged not to prosecute individuals experiencing homelessness for charges brought under LA Municipal Code 41.18, criminalizing sitting, sleeping, or possessing personal property in public. He has committed to ending cash bail and pretrial detention. He would increase transparency and accountability as counsel to LAPD by making body cam footage available to the public and bringing in greater civilian oversight. And, he would use the Office's broad powers of affirmative litigation to pursue companies that violate environmental laws, fight wage theft, and protect tenants.

None of Gill's opponents are as broadly and deeply committed to this justice-centered vision for the City Attorney's Office. All other six candidates have expressed varying levels of continued support for cash bail, pretrial detention, and prosecutions of 41.18 under certain circumstances. Kevin James, former President of the Board of Public Works, has said he won't discourage LAPD from arresting or citing people for misdemeanors because he wants better data on arrest numbers (LAPD arrests Black people at 4.5 times the rate of white people). Marina Torres, a life-long prosecutor, appears to be running as the tough-on-crime candidate, tweeting that she would have prosecuted Will Smith for misdemeanor assault charges. Teddy Kapur, Democratic Party Treasurer, is a corporate restructuring lawyer who says he would fight wage theft but has not provided a platform for criminal justice reform. Sherri Onica Valle Cole and Richard Kim both have experience working in the City Attorney's office, but have not put forth a vision for the office moving forward. Hydee Feldstein Soto, who lacks criminal law, civil litigation, or policy experience, has offered many policy ideas that either aren't within the scope of the City Attorney's powers or would keep LA's most powerful corporate bad actors away from accountability in a court of law.

Gill is the only person running who would bring a broad and deep progressive vision to this powerful role, and for that reason, LA Forward Action enthusiastically recommends voting for Gill.

The Progressive Choice for LA County Sheriff is Eric Strong

The LA County Sheriff's Department is riddled with injustice and Sheriff Alex Villanueva's "leadership" since 2018 has only made things worse. Ultimately, this should not be an elected position. But currently it is and that means voters are faced with a choice about who should run this Department with a budget of $3.6 Billion and 18,000 employees, and control over the jail system and policing across half of the county.

We believe Eric Strong is the best choice by far. Born and raised in L.A. County, Eric is a proud son, husband, father, and youth counselor. After graduating from St. John Bosco High School, Eric attended to the University of California at Los Angeles.

He is the only candidate committed to #ChecktheSheriff charter amendment for civilian oversight, permanently closing the decrepit Men's Central Jail, and reallocating funds from the police to social services. His record of supporting whistleblowers and going after deputy gangs from his position in Internal Affairs also sets him apart. In addition, his personal experience as a victim of crime, as a victim of racial profiling and harassment by police, and as a family member of people who have been incarcerated and killed by law enforcement have uniquely prepared him for service as Sheriff.

We’re proud to be joining LA City Councilmember Mike Bonin and the Burbank, Culver City, Santa Monica, Stonewall, North Valley, and MLK Democratic Clubs in supporting Strong as the best alternative to Villanueva among all the candidates in the June 7th primary.

Our Choices for Sheriff, City Attorney, and Controller

Ballots are starting to arrive in mailboxes TODAY across LA County and we're excited to share our first-ever endorsements for Countywide and Citywide office.

Our dues-paying membership has voted overwhelmingly to support:

  • Eric Strong for LA County Sheriff

  • Faisal Gill for LA City Attorney

  • Kenneth Mejia for LA City Controller

Our endorsements are the result of a multi-step process. Our 20 person endorsement taskforce — with representation from our different issue teams, regional groups, and partner organizations — reviewed written questionnaires from each candidate about their approach to governance and conducted interviews before making their recommendations, which are then voted on by our dues-paying membership.

Learn more and support about our endorsed candidates.

Eric Strong for LA County Sheriff

The LA County Sheriff's Department is riddled with injustice and Sheriff Alex Villanueva's "leadership" since 2018 has only made things worse. Ultimately, this should not be an elected position. But currently it is and that means voters are faced with a choice about who should run this Department with a budget of $3.6 Billion and 18,000 employees, and control over the jail system and policing across half of the county.

We believe Eric Strong is the best choice by far. Born and raised in L.A. County, Eric is a proud son, husband, father, and youth counselor. After graduating from St. John Bosco High School, Eric attended to the University of California at Los Angeles.

He is the only candidate committed to #ChecktheSheriff charter amendment for civilian oversight, permanently closing the decrepit Men's Central Jail, and reallocating funds from the police to social services. His record of supporting whistleblowers and going after deputy gangs from his position in Internal Affairs also sets him apart. In addition, his personal experience as a victim of crime, as a victim of racial profiling and harassment by police, and as a family member of people who have been incarcerated and killed by law enforcement have uniquely prepared him for service as Sheriff.

We’re proud to be joining LA City Councilmember Mike Bonin and the Burbank, Culver City, Santa Monica, Stonewall, North Valley, and MLK Democratic Clubs in supporting Strong as the best alternative to Villanueva among all the candidates in the June 7th primary.

Faisal Gill for LA City Attorney

Faisal Gill is an immigrant, civil rights attorney, veteran, husband, and father who's made his home in Los Angeles Originally born in Pakistan, Faisal’s family migrated to America when he was a child, where he was raised in Alexandria, Virginia in a heavily working-class, immigrant community. His father drove a taxi cab in Washington DC and his mother worked in retail.

Throughout his career as an attorney, Faisal has been determined to help those who face discrimination from our government, within our immigration systems, and from their employers.  As a civil rights attorney, Faisal has taken on clients who faced discrimination from the federal government, state governments, immigration enforcement, and police departments. Faisal recently won a settlement with the City of Los Angeles in a federal civil rights lawsuit brought by a Black Hollywood music producer who fought in court to have LAPD body camera video footage made public to prove allegations he was racially profiled before his arrest. Faisal hopes to bring his perspective as an immigrant and civil rights attorney to the office of LA City Attorney and restore trust and transparency in local government. 

The Office of the City Attorney has tremendous power and we believe Faisal is the best choice to fight for justice, take on corruption, and tackle our housing and homelessness crises while prioritizing human and civil rights. We believe his Faisal Gill unique combination of progressive vision and practical ability makes him best suited for this critical position in our city’s government. We're proud to be joining with groups like SEIU 2015, California Faculty Association, Black Los Angeles Young Democrats, National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) and elected officials like LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, and Assemblymember Isaac Bryan in endorsing him.

Kenneth Mejia for LA City Controller

Kenneth is a Certified Public Account (CPA), a community organizer, and the best choice for holding powerful forces accountable at City Hall and beyond. The controller’s authority is limited but the office’s potential to shine a spotlight on waste, wrongdoing, and corruption is vast in the right hand. With his campaign's record of creating brilliant visualizations and interactive tools based on government data, Kenneth has already shown how he could be the most publicly-engaging controller in LA’s history.

We're proud to be joining with the Los Angeles Times, CA Working Families Party, Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, former Deputy Mayor Rick Cole, and dozens of progressive community leasders in supporting him 

Our Previous Endorsements:

  • Eunisses Hernandez for LA City Council District 1

  • Erin Darling for LA City Council District 11

  • Hugo Soto-Martinez for LA City Council District 13

You can see all of our endorsements and write-ups at our LA Progressive Voter Guide.

Big news -- our first candidate endorsements are here!

I’m so excited to share our first round of candidate endorsements. Because achieving policies that will make Los Angeles a fair, flourishing place for all is going to require a new generation of community-rooted leaders at City Hall. 

Our dues-paying membership has voted overwhelmingly to support:

  • Eunisses Hernandez for City Council District 1

  • Erin Darling for City Council District 11

  • Hugo Soto-Martinez for City Council District 13

Eunisses, Erin, and Hugo are all running on bold, progressive platforms to create affordable housing, push for climate and transportation justice, and prioritize care and community investment over failed policing strategies.

To celebrate these endorsements and kickstart our 2022 primary election action, we invite you to join us for a virtual rally for our endorsed candidates on Tuesday April 19, 7:30 - 8:30 pm. Hear directly from the candidates, learn more about our roadmap to victory, and get involved!

LA Forward Action isn’t finished endorsing for the 2022 primary. If you want your voice to be heard in the next round of endorsements, make sure to  become a sustaining member of LA Forward Action with a monthly contribution of any amount.


Learn more and support about our endorsed candidates.

Eunisses Hernandez for City Council District 1

Eunisses Hernandez is a lifelong resident of the Northeast LA community of CD 1, a daughter of Mexican migrants, a survivor, and a relentless fighter for communities that have been devastated by criminalization, the war on drugs, and mass incarceration. She co-founded the La Defense justice advocacy organization and co-created coalitions like A Budget to Save Lives, Care First California, which are shifting policy and resources to better support people harmed by violence. She also co-chaired the winning Measure J campaign in 2020 which  promises to drive hundreds of millions of dollars into expanding and creating access to community-based services, housing, and support for young people in LA County. 


Erin Darling for City Council District 11

Erin Darling is a civil rights attorney, a surfer, and a father. Born and raised in Venice, Darling attended California public schools from kindergarten through law school. He graduated UC Berkeley School of Law and returned to Venice to begin work representing low-income tenants facing eviction and homelessness.  As a lawyer, Darling has successfully won cases for everyday people who have been wronged by powerful interests.

Hugo Soto-Martinez for City Council District 13

Hugo Soto-Martinez was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. After his father became disabled, he started working at a non-union hotel at the age of 16 to support his family. Shortly after becoming the first person in his family to graduate from college, Soto-Martinez joined the labor movement after unionizing his workplace. He has been an organizer with UNITE HERE Local 11 in Los Angeles for the past 15 years and knows how to win real victories for the people in our city who’ve been left out and put down.



And don't miss your opportunity to meet the candidates at a virtual rally.

You can see all of our endorsements and write-ups at our LA Progressive Voter Guide.

March 2022 Newsletter

Our community is gearing up for another action-packed month of learning and acting. Hope you can join us!

Climate Campaign Kickoff & Strategy Session - Tuesday, April 5 @ 8 pm

Join our Climate Team as we set our direction for this year’s advocacy! Over the last two months, we had panel discussions of Building Decarbonization and Pollution at the Port. At this event, we’ll provide a quick summary of what we learned, then we’ll share the campaign we will be focusing on and strategize together.


Virtual Rally for Our Endorsed Candidates - Tuesday, April 19 @ 7:30 pm

Join us for a celebration with our endorsed candidates, get to know them, and learn how to can get involved and help them win! 


Member Spotlight - March 2022

Meet Shannon!

Cutting pollution at the port, preventing homelessness, and meeting up in person

We're happy to announce a series of picnics to meet and catch up in person now that covid cases are rapidly declining! -- on the Eastside (2/26), San Fernando Valley (3/12), and Westside (3/26).

Plus we hope you'll join us for zoom meetings to strategize about winning a homelessness prevention ballot measure (2/23) and a teach-in about preventing pollution (3/1) at the massive Port of Los Angeles. More details on those below, but before you go any further, we're excited to share the second installment of our member spotlight.

Learn and Take Action

House LA Brainstorm and Strategy Session - Weds, Feb 23 @ 8:00 PM

Join the Housing & Homeless Justice team for a brainstorm and strategy session on how we’ll gather the thousands of signatures needed to put the transformative House LA initiative on the November 2022 ballot.


Teach-In: Preventing Pollution at the Port  - Tues, Mar 1 @ 8:00 PM

LA has the biggest port in country and its a massive source of pollution and greenhouse gases. Ships idling in the port have recently caused record-breaking levels of air pollution. Learn about how we can get involved to fight climate change and improve our air quality while ensuring a just transition for workers and frontline communities.



Join us at a community picnic!

Eastside @ February 26, 12:30 PM

San Fernando Valley @ March 12, 12:30 PM

Westside @ March 26, 12:30 PM

This is a great chance to build community and gear up for the 2022 elections which are right around the corner. Whether this is your 50th LA Forward event or your first, we'd love to see you there. Kids of all ages welcome.


Staying motivated for good in 2022

2022... ooooof. In tough times like these, I'm sustained by the LA Forward community. Being part of planning sessions on Zoom with familiar faces this week has been exactly what I need to keep going. On top of the connections with awesome people, I'm really excited about the events and campaigns we're putting together. We're using teach-ins on key topics to help us decide on policy campaigns to prioritize, launcing our first member-driven process to endorse candidates for city council, mayor, and other key city and county offices, gathering for picnics (post-surge) across the region to have fun and build a broader community that'll power our campaigns.

From a teach-in this Sunday about what the #@*% happened with redistricting to a panel about decarbonizing buildings to a crucial homelessness prevention ballot measure, 2022 is already shaping up to be an important year of learning and action. It's also a time when we're looking to deep and broaden our community. One small step in that direction is a new Member of the Month program to spotlight the amazing people who make up our community. Meet Karin and then keep reading to learn more about all the events over the next couple months!

What the #@*% happened with redistricting? - Sun, Jan 16 @ 3:00 PM  

Join us for a teach-in about the good, the bad, and the ugly of redistricting of LA City, LA County, the State Legislature, and Congress! Featuring Mike Young, the Political Director of California Environmental Voters. The new district lines that were just approved at every level of government (some with gerrymandering, some not) are going to have a huge impact on our local politics, including key 2022 races. This is a great opportunity to learn more about how they were created, what kind of reforms we need to the process, and the implications for progressive election work this year.


United to House LA Teach In - Weds, Jan 26 @ 8:00 PM

Join us for a teach-in about the United to House LA Ballot Initiative. If we put it on the November 2022 ballot and pass it, this people-powered initiative will Provide immediate support to people experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness. Invest in innovative approaches to rapidly developing new affordable housing at low-cost.


What Is Building Decarbonization & Why Is It So Important to the Fight Against Climate Change - Tues, Feb 1 @ 8:00 PM


Housing Justice Book Club Returns - Mon, Feb 7 @ 7:30 PM

Our book club is back and (maybe) better than ever! Our first book will be High-Risers: Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Public Housing.


Gathering in person, setting our course together, and fighting for climate and racial justice

The weather's cooling down and our schedule's heating up -- we have a Membership Assembly this Sunday to discuss candidate endorsements and a Fall Picnic hosted by our westside group on October 9th. Plus a virtual teach in about the Cool Blocks program, a panel discussion about TV's portrayal of criminal justice, and meetings of our housingclimate, and transportation issue groups.

MEMBERSHIP ASSEMBLY, Sunday, October 3, 2:00 - 4:30 PM

Los Angeles has a huge opportunity in the 2022 elections! LA Forward Action will be on the front lines of supporting progressive causes and candidates. That means we need to create a principled, practical way to choose who we're endorsing.

Open to all sustaining members, this Membership Assembly is an important opportunity to discuss our proposed candidate endorsement process, policy priorities, and organizing budget. Active in our community but haven't become a sustaining member by paying membership dues? We'd be grateful for your support and participation! Once you sign up, reply to this email for an invite.

Sustaining members who are active in our community get to vote on which candidates we endorse and will have a voice in budgeting and strategic deliberations.


Why do we ask people to pay membership dues? Because this work takes resources and we won't take funding that would compromise our independence. Because building progressive power means building an organization that our community members proudly support. 

We hope you will learn more and contribute to our movement for justice today by becoming a sustaining member today.


FALL PICNIC, Saturday, October 9, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

In place of a monthly meeting, we’re hosting a picnic for the entire LA Forward community to meet up and hang out in person! Because we are just as tired of being on zoom as you are :) In July we gathered for a picnic downtown.  This time we’re being hosted by our friends in the Westside group at a beautiful, transit-accessible park. This will be a kid-friendly and pet-friendly picnic to put Zoom faces and names to in-person faces and names. We’ll supply light snacks and beverages. You’re welcome to bring food of your own too! We ask that everyone who attends be vaccinated, unless they are not legally or medically eligible.



Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance Teach-In & Collaboration Session, Sunday, October 17, 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Join us for a virtual teach-in and collaboration session with the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance. Learn more about who NCSA is and what they do, learn about their Cool Blocks program, and help us brainstorm ways in which our climate team can continue to partner with this awesome organization. Cool Blocks is designed to activate all of us, in our homes and in our neighborhoods, to help us reduce our carbon footprints, reduce our water use, live more sustainably, and prepare for disasters while building community. We're getting ready to launch 200 climate-resilient neighborhoods and keep building from there toward a carbon-neutral LA by 2030. 



Injustice on the Small Screen: How TV Writers Can Change the Narrative About Our Legal System, Tuesday, October 26, 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Join us for a virtual discussion on how crime and legal TV series impact the public perception of crime, racial injustice and the criminal legal system. We ask the question: How can we, as writers and showrunners, do better? We hope this event will inspire writers who want to be part of telling stories that share a more authentic understanding of the characters, forces and factors that shape the criminal legal system, and in a way that helps viewers reckon responsibly with all the complicated issues bound up in it. Featuring Patrisse Cullors, Jane Dorotik, LaNaisha Edwards, Amity Paye, Nikki Toscano, Alexis Wilkinson. Hosted by Color of Change, ACLU of Southern California, and the District Attorney Accountability Coalition, including LA Forward.



Issue Group Meetings (via Zoom)

Climate Justice - Tuesday, October 5, 8 PM - Get more details & RSVP 

Transportation Justice - Monday, October 18, 8 PM - Get more details & RSVP

Housing Justice  - Wednesday, October 27, 8 PM - Get more details & RSVP

Activism & the Arts

With less than two weeks until a rightwing Republican could become governor of California (for real), we're going all out with contacting voters. Join us Wednesday night for one of the friendliest phonebank opportunities you could imagine. Seriously, it doesn't get much easier than this.

Need something to sweeten the deal? We're excited to host a panel on Arts & Activism this Saturday at 10:30 AM, followed by phonebanking. Join us for a conversation among authors RO Kwon (Kink), Alex Segura (Poe Dameron: Free Fall)Preeti Chhibber (Marvel’s Avengers Assembly series), actor / writer Michele Selene Ang (13 Reasons Why), and podcaster Traci Thomas (The Stacks) about the intersection of art and political activism. Then stick around for an hour or two with the artists as we all let voters know how crucial this election is.

Too anxious to sit back? Join us the following week when we'll more than 15 hours of opportunities to talk and text with voters.

Save the Date:

Event: Beating the Backlash and Resisting Local Recalls - Sunday, September 12 @ 3 PM

Teach-In: What the City Attorney Does, Why It Matters, and How We Can Make Progressive Change, Sunday, September 19 @ 3 PM

A year later, we continue to fight for justice

A year ago, we wrote about the anger and sadness we felt as we faced a deep, broad complex of systems geared toward violence, white supremacy, exploitation, and brutality. Systems that don't value the inherent dignity of all human beings. A year later, we are still fighting for justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and tens of thousands more.

Over the past year, we have organized across Los Angeles' regions to build our people-power. We continued to focus on the issues of Climate, Housing, & Transit Justice. We organized phonebanks to help pass Measure J and continue to fight to ensure its promises are kept. Still, many of the same questions from a year ago remain. How do we change the power structures that got us to this point?

This month, we will continue to look at ways to build new institutions that truly serve and protect people, including a Public Bank Community Teach-in and a Criminal Justice focused General Monthly Meeting. We are excited to have you join us.

Public Bank Teach-In — Sunday, June 6, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

We have the opportunity to help lead a financial revolution that will create a new economic system that prioritizes people and the planet.

Come and learn what a public bank is and how it will allow Los Angeles to save money and set priorities with fiscally, socially, and environmentally responsible investments. Join the movement and support a public bank that follows sustainability guidelines and empowers our public policy goals.

This exciting community event is in partnership with Public Bank LA, ACT LA, & Sunrise Movement LA.


LA Forward General Monthly Meeting — Sunday, June 13, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

As we commemorate one year since George Floyd's murder and the subsequent uprisings across the nation and world, we will focus on how police brutality and misconduct plague our communities in LA. In particular, we'll focus on what's being surfaced about our LA County Sheriff's Department, including the unchecked activities of deputy gangs, harassment of families of those murdered by sheriff deputies, and obstruction of oversight by the sheriff himself. Join LA Forward's Criminal Justice Group, Check the Sheriff coalition leader Andres Kwon and LA Forward member Godfrey Plata at this teach-in, and learn about how you can stand up for justice in Southern California.


Housing Justice June Monthly Meeting - Wednesday, June 23, 8:00 - 9:30 PM

Join us to learn about how to get involved in housing justice in Los Angeles. There will be updates from our coalition housing justice groups in LA, and we will discuss how we can build on the work being done. We will also provide an update on the Housing 101 guide and discuss potential ways we can organize and empower people at the neighborhood level.


June Regional Group Meetings

Join us on Zoom as we debrief and act on recent conversations that LA Forward members have had with City Councilwoman Nithya Raman, the Check the Sheriff coalition, and Public Bank LA. Also, find out more about our first opportunity to gather *in-person* for those who feel safer doing so these days!

Koreatown-DTLA-Boyle Heights — Wednesday, June 16, 8:00 - 9:30 PM


Mid-Wilshire — Thursday, June 17, 6:00 - 7:30 PM


Greater Silver Lake — Thursday, June 17, 7:30 - 9:00 PM


Westside — Thursday, June 17, 7:30 - 9;00 PM


Northeast LA — Tuesday, June 22, 8:00 - 9:30 PM


San Fernando Valley — Wednesday, June 23, 7:30 - 9:00 PM


May We Continue Organizing

With the summer swiftly arriving and millions of Angelenos vaccinated, we may be getting back to "normal" soon. Of course, we know that the pandemic's impacts will be felt long after the economy fully opens, which is why we must continue coming together to protect those most vulnerable in our communities. From the looming wave of evictions to the continued mass incarceration of our poor and unhoused, from local oil drilling to the increase in NIMBY-ism across the city, we have a lot of "normal" to fight.

We are excited to have you with us as we keep up the struggle for justice.

Getting Ready for the 2022 Elections - Sunday, May 16, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

Local governments have hugely important elections coming up soon! Join us for an expert overview of the critical races on deck and exciting new progressive infrastructure we’re building with partners to overcome the right-wing backlash and win big. Plus a short workshop on campaign finance — the rules, how to find out where candidates are getting their money, and why campaigns cost so much money. We'll also share updates from our climate, housing, transportation, and criminal justice groups!


Phonebank for Progressive Neighborhood Council Candidates - Monday, May 17, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Elections for Neighborhood Council are happening right now and we have a short window of time to elect principled progressives to these important, official LA City organizations that are the lowest level of government. We need you to let your neighbors know they need to request ballots ASAP! Join us for a fun, virtual phonebank where we’ll call LA Forward Action members to ensure they request ballots and vote by mail for progressive candidates. Never phone-banked before? No problem -- we’ll provide training and support!


Issue Team Meetings

Housing Justice - Wednesday, May 12, 8:00 - 9:30 PM

Guest Eric Ares, Sr. Manager - Homeless Systems Change at United Way, will be presenting what U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter's Injunction means for those unhoused in Los Angeles.


Criminal Justice  - Sunday, May 16, 7:30 - 9:00 PM

Join us to hear updates from our volunteers about what criminal justice issues our affiliate groups are tackling, learn what actions you can take, and help us plan for our Spring teach-in.


Transportation Justice - Monday, May 17, 8:00 - 9:00 PM

Join us for our monthly meeting! Learn about the latest Metro updates, opportunities to act on transit justice, and our upcoming plans for transit education.


Regional Group Gatherings

Join us for our May regional group meetings, where we will (a) highlight opportunities to influence upcoming teach-ins and campaigns being led by LA Forward's issue groups (criminal justice, transportation justice, housing justice, and climate justice) *AND* (b) follow-up on our "power player" brainstorm from last month by sharing upcoming possibilities for YOU to meet with leaders and organizations in Los Angeles. As always, there will be time to meet and greet with folks in our community and share announcements about other local actions and happenings!

The Ideas of March

In addition to all our usual work to fight for progressive policies, we've used the last couple months to come up with better systems to engage the LA Forward Action community. We now have a group of a dozen leaders working to support people who are organizing on specific issues and neighborhoods. And one of our biggest priorities is communicating more effectively with all of you. Our event calendar is packed every week this month and we expect it's going to be pretty busy from here on out. So we'll be sending around a newsletter once or twice a month with a list of all the upcoming trainings, actions, meetings and more. Hope to see you soon!

Voter Outreach Strategies - TONIGHT, MARCH 3 at 7pm

Want to win elections? You need to figure out which voters you should be reaching out to and which tactics are most effective. In this training, we’ll compare your options for voter outreach: canvassing, texting, phone banking, and relational organizing. Running for Neighborhood Council this year? Apply these skills to your own race. Not running this year? This concept will help you understand how campaigns work and build skills for the 2022 election cycle! RSVP

Phone Bank: Elect Progressives to LA Neighborhood Councils - Thurs, March 4, 6 - 8 PM

Help mobilize your neighbors to vote for progressives in their Neighborhood Council district! First Time phone bankers welcome. Training and support provided! RSVP

Climate Justice Team 2021 Kickoff - Sun, March 7, 3 - 4:30 PM

Learn more about our current campaigns. Special Guest Speaker from STAND LA coalition against urban oil drilling. RSVP

Housing Justice Team 2021 Kickoff - Tues, Mar 9, 8 - 9 PM

We'll be discussing groups that are already creating change, our housing 101 guide, and next steps. RSVP

Training: Conversations with Voters 101- Weds, Mar 10, 7 - 8:30 PM

Conversations are at the heart of every effective grassroots campaign - whether you’re running for President or Neighborhood Council, talking to regular people, on the phone and at their door, is how you win. How can you nail that conversation on the phone? How do you avoid launching into a debate, and instead focus on listening and validating? How do you persuade an undecided voter? All this and more in our Effective Conversations training! RSVP

Transportation Justice Team Meeting - Thurs, Mar 11, 8 - 9:30 PM

This month will feature an overview for new members on the work we've done researching the efforts of related groups who are working on issues of mobility and access, as well as examining some upcoming opportunities for action. RSVP

Kicking off 2021 -> opportunities to learn & act

I've been meaning to write for awhile, but it's a struggle. Hard to find the right words to capture my relief and even exhilaration about the victories in Georgia thanks to the grassroots organizers, (including but not limited to Stacey Abrams) and the power that gives us to actually pass meaningful legislation in DC alongside the devastation that covid is producing and the terrible attack yesterday on our democratic institutions by fascist, white supremacist goons. One thing I do know is how grateful I am to be in community with all of you, now as always. After a year of tremendous growth and some growing pains, I am confident we are going to continue to expand our impact and strengthen our community in the months ahead.

** This Sunday you're invited to our 2021 kickoff (3 PM just like our usual Second Sunday monthly meetings).  

* A group of volunteers will share some of the leadership structures we're putting in place to make LA Forward work better.

* Another set of volunteers will talk about a mysterious but important thing called ADEMs. The CA Democratic Party's board is composed of more than 3,000 delegates and one-third of them are elected in January of every odd year. Anyone who's a registered Dem can vote. We’ll go in depth on what ADEMs, how the process works, and why it matters. Usually there's a 3 hour window on a weekend to vote in person. Because of covid, this year you have to pre-register online in order to vote by mail. The DEADLINE is Monday, January 11.

* Plus we'll set aside some time to process the upheaval of this week through our usual "check in" process at the meeting's start.

...Wait, there's more!

** Reminder that TONIGHT at 6 PM is the first session of Organizing School, a 5-week series hosted by Hannah Kessel, LA Forward's talented organizer. It'll cover the nuts and bolts of organizing including structured organizing conversations, theories of change and building your network. Everyone welcome!

** Plus next Monday we're hosting "Running for Neighborhood Council 201." This volunteer-led workshop will go more in depth on how you can run an effective campaign to get elected to LA City's most local branch of government. Whether you've already filed or are still mulling it over, we hope you'll join us to meet and hear from NC members past, present, and future! Whether you’re more interested in organizing in your neighborhood, or around a specific issue, we’re here to connect you to the work, and support you as you do it! 

Here's to hoping and working together for a better 2021 and beyond!

In solidarity, 

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward Action

We can build a better LA in 2021

Even in the midst of a tough year, it’s amazing how much we’ve been able to accomplish — not just as an organization, but as a movement and a region. Together we’ve been mobilizing for policy change, winning historic legislation, electing transformative local leaders, and organizing to build power for the long haul. 

I’m so proud of what our community has accomplished together in 2020: 

  • Publishing our Progressive LA Voter Guide and our LA 101 Guide to Local Government.

  • Educating and mobilizing Angelenos through civic teach-ins and neighborhood organizing that drove thousands of emails and calls to city and county offices.

  • Calling 39,101 voters to win Measure J, one of the nation’s most ambitious efforts to reinvest in communities, not incarceration.

  • Helping launch the Healthy LA Coalition and winning over 20 crucial protections during the pandemic for tenants, workers, and other vulnerable Angelenos.

  • And so much more.

Now we are asking for your support to expand our community and impact in 2021.

Help us build a better LA

I’ve never been more excited about the promise of a new year. Dozens of LA Forward community leaders are developing a new membership model to build our base and hold elected officials accountable. For the first time in 2021-22, we’ll have an inclusive process to endorse and campaign for candidates for local office. Our goal is to transform local government by supporting principled progressive candidates we can be proud of, and who can win, in all of the major local offices up for election in 2022. 

We’ll also be hosting a series of virtual house parties, organized and led by LA Forward members and partners, to get your input and keep you updated on local movements for justice. And we’ll continue growing our regional and policy teams while delivering the civic teach-ins, panels, and publications you’ve come to know and trust.


Recurring monthly donations are the lifeblood of our work. Your contribution enables us to take on powerful interests, respond rapidly to new challenges, and remain accountable to regular Angelenos. Can you make a monthly recurring gift today?

Thank you for your support! 

In solidarity, 

David Levitus
Executive Director
LA Forward Action

Sign the Housing is Health Pledge Today + Running for Neighborhood Council 101

RUNNING FOR NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL 101 - Thursday, December 10th at 7:30 PM 

There are 99 Neighborhood Councils across the City of Los Angeles. They’re a unique way to learn about how local government works and to influence important policy decisions. Historically these official advisory bodies have been conservative and NIMBYish but we're seeing progressives start to win seats and even gain majorities.

Elections are being held March through June of 2021 and the filing deadlines to become a candidate are coming up soon. We’re encouraging all progressive Angelenos to consider running for office in their own neighborhood. To help you decide whether to run and to show you how you can be effective, we’re hosting an info session this Thursday. 

Join Neighborhood Council members — past, present, and future — to learn how YOU can run to represent your neighborhood! No need to have already made up your mind. Anyone curious to learn more is welcome. Please RSVP for the Zoom info.

On Thursday, December 3, over 1500 Los Angeles residents tuned in to Healthy LA's #CancelRent and #CancelMortgages Teach-In via Zoom and Facebook Live. The event was simultaneously translated into Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, and Armenian and offered a space to discuss our policy platform with tenants, landlords, homeowners, advocates, Councilmember Mike Bonin, Councilmember-elect Nithya Raman, and County Supervisor Hilda Solis' Planning Deputy, Guadalupe Duran. The conversation uplifted the difficult queries around what rent and mortgage cancelation would mean and look like in LA County. We introduced our policy platform two-pager and an animation explaining the policy.

The powerful stories from tenants, homeowners and landlords had a visible effect on the legislators and their staff in attendance. We’ve already received feedback that they felt the pressure to urgently take action. It’s critical that we seize this momentum and turn up the pressure on all of our LA Council Members and Supervisors!  

Please take action NOW by sending a message that urges our local elected officials to sign the Housing is Health Pledge: 

As we head into a second major shutdown, with over 7,800 Angelinos who have passed, and ICU beds being severely limited, elected officials need to do everything in their power to keep residents safe, housed, and healthy. Lack of eviction protections across the country have led to over 433,000 more COVID cases, and 10,700 deaths. Housing is health! Elected officials need to know that the people they serve urgently need them to take action to protect the most vulnerable Angelinos! It is a matter of life and death.

We also have a Take Action Toolkit with all of the instructions you need to uplift how we can keep Angelinos healthy!

Below are some quick links and instructions! It will take you 5 minutes to do all of them.

1. Submitting Public Comment online and on the phone

2. Spread the Word on Social Media